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Want More Website Sales?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Who doesn’t want more website sales?

A lot of brick and mortar businesses have hit me up this week because they have been shifting their strategy to focus more on their digital marketing strategy.

In the current climate, having a website that lists your offerings clearly is now more important than ever.

Here’s a few of my best tips on optimizing your site, so that you can make more online sales.

🔹 Make SEO a priority, so that your brand ranks higher on Google. Utilize keywords in the appropriate areas. There are a ton of great plugins and tools out there that will give you suggestions on how to improve your content. Use header tags within your site.

🔹 Place your most important content above the fold. This refers to any content that is visible before the user scrolls down on the page. Launched a new product? Running a sale? These are great items to be placed above the fold, so that website visitors don’t miss them.

🔹 Make sure that your website is mobile friendly. Over half of web use is via mobile phone / tablet – make your content and products accessible to those users.

🔹 Utilize a Facebook pixel. Installing a pixel gives you the ability to supercharge your digital marketing. Even if a website visitor doesn’t purchase right away, leveraging the pixel allows you to remarket to those visitors.

🔹 Test and streamline your checkout process. Only collect the critical information needed for a purchase. The easier checkout is for the end user, the less drop-off that you will see, and the more sales will be completed.

Want even more tips for optimizing your website for more sales? Make sure to download my Elevated Web Presence Checklist! It’s packed with design and functionality tips / techniques that you can use to improve your brand’s online presence.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Download Free Website Checklist” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”violet” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”″ el_class=”bookBtn”][/vc_column][/vc_row]